Plus never hurts to have a virus scanner. And some of the other posts warned that people should lock down their browsers better just incase the banner ads or some other aspect of the website was causing the infection. So, most people only caught it because their virus scanners caught it and threw up a warning. I know wowmatrix used to check the hosting websites of the addons while curse only checked their hosted version (at least it did for me). So if they are somehow downloading and executing banner ads, then it could be coming from the websites themselves. But if it's auto and manual installs, then basically the addons are infected.īut the other sketchy thing is that these downloaders check websites for new updates. So.I know when I played wow I used wowmatrix after awhile because curse got irritating. They referred to it as a Zlob variant if that helps anyone. That came from a forum almost 3 weeks ago referring to people who've had the infections show up.which was a Trojan downloader. So far, users of WoWMatrix, WoWUI, and Curse, both manual and automated installs, have spoken up. Remember kids: runing wow in a fullscreen window makes alt+tab to browser quick and painless a large majority of the wow puplic snatched it up, and a fat chunk of them have been hijacked.
Curse client vs wowmatrix how to#
it showed you point A on your map, showed a dotted line to point B, showed you what to kill, and how to get back.
Curse client vs wowmatrix mod#
The questhelper mod was basically a "who, what, when, where, why and how". i swear /general chat gets stupider every day/) It contained info for all of the new wow expantion quests, (you would be amazed at the number of ppl that cant bother to "alt+tab" to a browser window and loot it up for themselves. In thinking about it, quest helper was the perfect delivery system for this type of intrusion. So chances are that it is not the curse client (which checks for and then updates wow mods when newer versions are present in the ) but one of the indiviual mods that contained bad nasty juju. Since the curse client was set to update mods on system launch, it was started and began to run in system memory, the quest helper mod contained malicious code designed to run key logging ssw and then transfer the data captured to an external source.